Friday, April 2, 2010


Just wanted to check in with everyone! I am getting through all the this unnecessary drama that consumed my life for the past 2 weeks and moving on... Unfortunately i am a disappointed that in life there are so many "firsts" and one of mine was taken from me. I feel almost as if my first word, or first step, or first kiss, was done for me instead of me doing it myself. You only get to make one first impression on the world and media as an artist, and i feel like mine was taken from me. I would've loved for my first impression to be to the world, of hearing a dope song with an outrageous video to boot! But instead i got caught in a dumb media blitz for no reason an unfortunately my first impression is now tarnished and negative. I do hope that i have done the right thing this far and the public will soon forgive and forget and notice me for the music i want to share with everyone. So in doing so i must give thanks to everyone by my side who is pushing me to quickly move forward and give the world something new to know me by! Thank you to my friends, my family, my twitter peeps holding me down, everyone in the industry that offers a helping hand, and everyone who doesn't even know me and is willing to give me a chance and listen with an open ear. You all know who you are and you all get me through my day. I promise what is yet to come will be supercadifragilissicexbealadocious dope!!!!! love you all....


  1. Well said girl.. and i completely understand where ur coming from about the first but at the same time i think the press conference did good even though it may not seem like it just yet but once people get to hear ur voice and see u for the real u and not just a picture then they will i truly believe forgive and forget!! Keep ur head up and stay strong stay positive and don't let the negative people (media) bring u down girl cause u ARE DOPE :) xoxo Tracy

  2. Ummmm, yeah...okay so just a little bit of advice. Before you decide to "come out" may want to take some grammar classes or have someone show you how to use spell check. You may consider paying someone to write your bio on your page, for people often tend to judge a book by its content, not its cover. I also listened to your press conference and was very confused by some of your statements as they made no sense. Again, you may want to seek council from a speech teacher/therapist. Reading your Bio, you may want to reconsider not giving up that "dream" to go to college. A desk job may end up being your best bet. Best of luck to you in your "career" in the music industry, which somehow I feel will remain strictly in the L.A. scene.
